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Long Way Down


Long Way Down Add-On for NASA WorldWind

Two men, two continents

Long Way Down is the latest motorbike adventure with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman. They will travel down through Europe, and then Africa – from Tunisia to South Africa, via countries such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Namibia.

This Add-on displays the locations of each log entry made by the team, with clickable icons which open a related web page in World Wind’s internal web browser, the route is also displayed as a blue path.


Each icon has a clickable link, and mouse-over information (figure-1).


Long Way Down add-on



To install the Add-on click the following link WorldWind_1.4_Long_Way_Down_1.0.exe and select save in your web browser. Once the download is complete double-click the icon (figure-2) on your desktop, or if you chose a different location to save the file navigate there, follow the on-screen prompts and when installation is complete run World Wind.

Long Way Down app icon



To turn the Add-on on or off use the World Wind layer manager (figure-3).

Long Way Down toolbar icon


External links